1310 Gallery is honored to invite you to the “In The Dark” exhibition. This exhibition is
open to artists who work in all mediums, including video, performance, and music.
Exhibition Information
Exhibition Dates: October 25th – November 15th, 2024
Opening Reception: October 25th @ 7-10 pm
Closing Reception: November 15th @ 6-8 pm
Exhibition Statement
In the Dark explores the many attributes associated with “darkness” and how it shapes
life in our world. Pulled from the day-to-day, dreams, memories, and nature; In the Dark
aims to shed light on the literal and figurative darkness we create, utilize, and exist
“Never fear the darkness, for in it lies the power to create.” – Brandon Sanderson
About the Curator
Angela Yang is a South Florida multi-media artist and curator whose artworks focus on
psychology, belief systems, altered realities, and the feminine. She holds degrees in
psychology, English, and studio art from FSU and an MFA from FIU.
About the Gallery
1310 Gallery has 2,400 square feet of exhibition space (divided into 3 levels). The 1310
Gallery is part of the ArtSpace Sailboat Bend Artist Lofts in downtown Fort Lauderdale,
Florida. The 1310 Gallery is an artist-run collective that rotates monthly art exhibitions.
Our gallery exhibits artworks from the state and at the national level. The gallery is
locked between events. It is opened during the exhibition dates, or on other dates and
times by appointment.
Accepted Work Guidelines
Artists are individually liable for their artwork. The 1310 Gallery will provide the utmost
care in handling and the safety of your artwork upon delivery, but because we are a
non-profit collective we are unable to offer insurance for your work. A $25 donation given
when dropping off artwork would be appreciated to cover expenses for the show. We will
accept cash, CashApp, Venmo, or Zelle.
When pricing your work add 10% – this will go to the 1310 Gallery Fund.
If you have any questions please contact Angela Yang via email
(angelayangart@gmail.com) or call/text at (954-234-5561).
Artwork Submission Guidelines
The Submission Deadline is August 29th, 2023.
Accepted Artists will be notified by September 1st.
2-D artwork must be gallery wrapped or framed and ready to hang using wire or
sawtooth hangers, unless clips or magnets are to be used.
For 3-D artwork pedestals can be provided if needed
Artists must email the following information
Full Name
▪ Artist Name (If Applicable) for Print and Social Media
▪ Phone number
▪ Instagram Account (if you would like to be tagged in media promotions)
▪ Short Artist Statement or Artist Bio
▪ A maximum of 8 images in jpg. or pdf. format
Number each work # 1-7 and include the following information:
Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth) in “inches.”
Sale price (remember to add 10% for 1310 Fund) or NFS
For performances/ installations, a descriptive proposal must be submitted as an attached
pdf. document.
Please include
– Title
– Thumbnail Sketch or Pic example,
– Dimensions of gallery space needed
– Specific set of instructions and/or requests for specific technologies.
QR Codes are also Accepted for any performance/music-based work.
Delivery of Artwork to the 1310 Gallery
Out-of-state Artists
All artwork shipped from out of state must be here between September 8 to September 13
- Artwork must be professionally presentable for hanging or installation. The artist or
owner of the artwork needs to send installation instructions and will assume expenses
for the delivery of the pieces as well as for the return.
For Hand-delivered Artwork
Drop off: All artwork must be hand-delivered between Friday and Saturday, October
18th – 19th, 2024 by appointment. If you are unable to drop off your work during these
dates please call prior to the drop off dates to make other arrangements.
Contact: Angela Yang angelayangart@gmail.com (954-234-5561)
Pick up: November 16th
- 17th, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Angela Yang.
We greatly appreciate your time and effort!