Niki Lopez’s 9th annual art exhibition at the 1310 Gallery. Combining Art, Performance & Community Outreach!
What’s Your Elephant” Art Exhibit to Open with Compelling Pieces & Live Show
Opening Night + Performance: Saturday, July 15th | 6pm-11pm
Admission: FREE & Open to the Public
What’s Your Elephant — (The Elephant in the Room) is an idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or otherwise unaddressed. The purpose of this exhibit is to provide a safe place for issues and topics that are normally hidden from public view. Through visual and performance art, the artists participating in this event will share secrets and taboos, discussing openly to find solutions for individual and collective emancipation. Attendees are invited to enter the ‘Confessional’, an interactive safe space installation to share their ‘elephant’.
What’s Your Elephant will be hosted by 1310 Gallery residents Niki Lopez, visual artist, & designer, and Alana DaCosta, singer/songwriter.
- Niki Lopez
- Alana DaCosta,
- AJ Grossman
- Ana Rossi
- Cheryl Brown
- Macarena Zilveti
- Mila Hajjar
- Cesca Veo
- Lubos Tuzinsky
- Chire Regans,
- Jose Silva
- Yudelka Tavera
- Zeal Harris
- Artists for Black Lives Matter collective
- SunServe Youth
July 15th opening night performances include:
- Alana DaCosta
- Profound Breath
- We’re Weird,
- Nephii Love
- Adejare A. McMillan
- Venus Rising
Feature performance by Venus Rising! Venus Rising is a multi-ethnic women’s drum and dance ensemble dedicated to creating works that uplift and inspire.
This exhibition contains materials of a sensitive nature that may be offensive to some viewers and may not be appropriate for children.
July 15th, is the main night that includes a line-up of performance artist and a feature performance by Venus Rising!
1310 Gallery is an artist-run collective that offers over 2400 square feet of exhibition space split into 3 levels, and housed within ArtSpace’s live/work facility, Sailboat Bend Artist Lofts. 1310 Gallery rotates art exhibitions monthly and also hosts performances and workshops. 2013 Broward New Times “Best Art Gallery of the Year”. The gallery is open by appointment in addition to the Opening & Closing receptions. For further information please call 305-975-6262.
Events Schedule:
Mon. July 10, 3pm-5pm (private event) – ‘What’s Your Elephant’ Community workshop at SunServe
Sat. July 15, 6-11PM – Opening Night + Performance
Sat. July 29, 7-10PM – Thou Art Woman – LGBTQ Open Mic + Poetry
Sat. August 3, 7-9PM #WhatsYourElephant – WYE Artists’ Talk & Panel: 7-9PM
Wed. August 9, 7:30-9:30PM Meet the 1310 Bandits
Short Film Screening & Discussion:
- Deep Within
- Souvenir
Sat. August 12 WYE Community Workshop: 3-5:30PM, Soft Closing: 6-8 PM