1310 gallery
1310 SW 2nd CT FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33312
T: 954.682.3095
“Self” exhibits the work of Michael Williams and Natalie Baldeon. In the exhibit, these artists display pieces dealing with self identity, discovery, indulgence, and personal realization. The unique and varying ways in which these artists approach the similar subject matter of “self”, expands on their personal experiences in the form of gender, actions, and body image.
In the exhibition, Williams presents a series of large scale work that displays intimate moments between the artist and the mirror. These personal interactions, initially serve to form ones private sense of self awareness, then adapt to a new form on the canvas within a public space.
The installation of Williams’s work drives his intentions. Each portrait is hung with its identical counterpart across from it; mirroring one another and removing the necessity of the gaze form the outside viewer. Though the portraits he displays interact with each other, the figurative work instead confronts the viewer through its scale.
While grand, the delicacy in which the pieces are transcribed on to canvas maintains the intimacy of the moment. The watercolor style as well as the way in which the figure is revealed creates the visual depiction of how the pieces observe themselves. Delicate strokes and pooled unfocused areas give way to hints of detail, which act as the points of focus in the observational process. These points of focus are accentuated through the figures emergence from the whiteness of the background, revealing the observation, documentation, and scrutiny of theWilliams’s process.
Her work attempts to expose the complexities of contemporary gendered embodiment, particularly the correlation between body and image. By using herself as the subject in the work, she explores the volatile space of externally constructed corporeal identity, as well as her own personal stance of simultaneous acceptance, and rejection of it.
Through her paintings she present the body in the midst of a questionable act of consumption; varying from the literal consumption of food to the suggestive psychological or sexual consumption. By presenting images of herself as both seductive and repulsive, glamorous and grotesque, aggressive and vulnerable, she attempts to unveil the multifaceted nature of boundaries while question the threshold of acceptability.
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